Design DIY: Sunglasses Showcase
Everything should have a place, however, my small sunglasses collection kept finding a way to make my night stand unmanageably unorganized. After mistaking my shades for my alarm clock, consequently destroying another pair of sunglasses, I decided it was time to corral my sunnies with a trip to Michael’s. I got my supplies and found myself another DIY.
For this you’ll need:
– A glue gun w/ glue sticks
– Twine
– 2 pennies
– Scissors
– a large frame of your choice
– a decent collection of sunglasses
Take your desired frame and flip it over. Measure how long you’ll need the twine to be: make sure that no twine is sticking out of the edges of the frame, and that it is taut enough to hold your glasses. This is a good time to figure out how you want to layout your glasses. Play around to see which effect you like most.
After measuring your twine, heat up your glue gun and place glue on the back of a penny. The penny ensures the twine stays on the back of the frame, so that when the sunglasses are placed on the string, the string won’t break from the adhesive.
After gluing the back on the penny, place the penny at the end of the twine onto the back of the frame. Repeat this step for the other side and hold down until you feel that the penny and twine and secured to the frame.
After securing both pennies and twine to the back on your frame. Find a spot in your home where you’d like your sunglasses to be showcased. Then use a pushpin or nail to secure the frame to the wall and hang your sunglass collection.
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