Conscious Fashion: The Life of a Fashion Magazine

Conscious Fashion: The Life of a Fashion Magazine

So from the winding streets of Amsterdam to the hipster ghettos of Berlin, my travels have yet again proven to be some inspiration to the world of Fashion Consciousness. While in our hostel I stumbled across this amazing free-standing collage down one of the corridors. It completely took me by surprise, but by the end of our trip to this beautifully grungy city I realised that nothing can surprise me anymore. The streets are crammed with street art and graffiti, vintage flea markets pop up all over the place, and it is without the most stylish city I’ve ever been to. And by that I mean stylish in a grungy, hipster way! Creativity is brimming everywhere you turn, and suddenly a fashion magazine collage made sense in the middle of a youth hostel.

So it got me thinking about how important these magazines are to those who read them, and just what the possibilities are for what we could do with them once we have moved on to the next issue. If, like me, you can’t bring yourself to throw them out, then making them into something else is the perfect way to reuse and try to display your creative ability in some way…

You could stack them up on your bedside table and use them as a place for a light to sit, or to display certain items in your room, or any room for that matter- as I have done. Or why not chose your favourite covers and frame them? If you can’t bear to rip off the cover then you could always make a copy of it instead. Or why not cut out some of your favourite editorials or ad campaigns and get sticking- cover anything from your desk to your schoolbooks, and soon you won’t know where to stop!