Tag: fall

Love Sick: Cute Couple Costumes

In an earlier article, I mentioned that a great way to bond with your guy is to dress up for Halloween together. If you’re stumped on what to wear and are looking for some unique ideas, look no further! 1) Scary Couple Costume- Zombie and 

Funky Fixes: Decorative Pumpkins

Fall is officially here and with that comes pumpkins! Lots and lots of pumpkins: pumpkin desserts, pumpkin lotions and pumpkin decorations. However, as festive as I am, I’ll be the first to admit that carving pumpkins is not something I look forward to; my designs 

Linked to Fashion: Fall Fashion Must-Haves

College Gloss brings us a wonderful article on their favorite fall must-have accessories. I love accessories from jewelry to shoes. Accessories can help you play up your outfit and add a little spunk or color where it may have been lacking. College Gloss shares with us 

Love Sick: It’s Time to Fall in Love

Autumn is here! That means school is starting, the weather is cooling down and the trees are turning rustic shades of orange and yellow. At least that’s what I hear is happening. Living in AZ just means that Pumpkin Spice Lattes are now available at 

Conscious Fashion: Conscious Fall

I know it’s still too early in some parts of the country to be talking about Fall (Ahem!  Arizona!) but I can’t help it.  I keep seeing all these great boots, scarves, jackets, and flats everywhere!  I can’t be blamed!  I love this bundle-up scarf 

Conscious Fashion: Code Red

Anyone who knows me knows that I get tunnel vision when it comes to fashion.  Every now and then, I’ll swoon over a particular piece, designer, collection, or accessory until I either crack and buy it myself, or someone else gets sick of hearing me 

Conscious Fashion: Conscious Closet & 30 for 30 by Kendi

This Conscious Closet special was inspired by a quirky blogger named Kendi.  A friend turned me onto her style blog and I’m quickly falling for her.  She has a realistic personality but she also has big dreams and she has a great sense of humor.