Funky Fixes: Soothing a Sunburn

After spending a few too many hours in the sun with not enough sunscreen, I have learned a trick or two for treating sunburns. Of course, the best way to treat sunburn is to prevent it from happening in the first place… this means wearing sunscreen and reapplying it even when you don’t think you are burning! Neutrogena offers a great line of sun care products that won’t leave skin feeling oily and doesn’t have the traditional sunblock smell. However, if you do get burned, invest in apple cider vinegar and Aloe Vera lotion. First, apply diluted apple cider vinegar to sunburned skin to help remove heat from the hurt area and reduce redness (for more on how to use apple cider vinegar click here). Second, apply Aloe Vera to help moisturize skin and ease any burning sensations. Aloe Vera can be found in many lotions and may even be growing in your backyard! There’s nothing like fresh aloe to soothe sunburn.