Foreign Friday: Prague

The next destination on our tour of Europe is Prague, Czech Republic and I must say, this is a beautiful city!

Our first stop was Prague Castle, a gorgeous work of art which, as you can see, I could barely fit the whole castle into one shot.

The location of Prague Castle also seemed to double as their home for parliament- JD and I posed for a picture.

Or two actually.

Thanks to our friends Radim, Ivana and Michael, we were able to stay in their beautiful home with this amazing view of Prague.

Loved this store’s window displays!

Look at this crazy clock!

The most beautiful chandelier I’ve ever seen!

We sat down for a traditional Czech meal… well JD had a traditional Czech meal.

Look at this awesome fountain.

That’s all from Prague, look for the answer to this week’s Batman hunts the Riddler contest on Facebook. Don’t forget to enter, it’s the only way to win a free issue of Carbon!