Love Sick: Communication Breakdown

Love Sick: Communication Breakdown

Writing this post for me is a little bit like the pot calling the kettle black, but from my dating experience, I’ve found the most important thing in a relationship is the ability to be able to communicate with your partner.

A lot of problems I have had in relationships could’ve been easily solved with me just telling my boyfriend how I was feeling and why I was feeling that way. But I always worried that he’d think I was crazy, paranoid, annoying and etc… I worried that if I told them how I really felt about certain things, they’d end the relationship. Instead, I would act weird and continue to be upset about something that wouldn’t change because I never said anything, which obviously then contributed to the end of the relationship.

Finally, I got it together and realized that no matter how paranoid I might sound bringing something up, it’s better to get it off my chest so then I can stop worrying about it. I feel like not only does it make me feel more secure in my relationship, but it also brings me closer to the person I am dating because I am not shutting them out anymore.

It’s important to remember that your boyfriend probably also has concerns that he’s not voicing because he feels self conscious about them too. If you open up, he’ll feel like he can open up too. Then your relationship can be based on honesty and trust rather than concern and paranoia.

Are you concerned about why your bf didn’t call you back when he said he would? Worried that he still talks to his ex? Frustrated that he’s always late for your dates? Just tell him! The problem will be addressed and closer to being fixed. And you will no longer have to stress about the worry lines forming on your face everytime you feel uneasy about something he’s doing.