Funky Fixes: Guest Book Blues

Whether it’s due to a handful of friends getting married, last week’s Conscious Fashion article, or the web sites StumbleUpon keeps sending me to, I seem to be thinking a lot about weddings. Like Nikki mentioned, the idea of a wedding is fabulous, but what about the cliché, over done aspects of a wedding? Not so fabulous. I think one of the least exciting parts of a wedding can be the guest book. Here are several funky fixes to solve your guest book blues:

1. Make it personal: ask guests to hang advice and words of wisdom on a wishing tree (so cute!)

2. Make it memorable: choose a book you would enjoy displaying in your house and have guests sign the margins (practical and personal!)

3. Make it enjoyable: have guests use photos to make “signing” the guest book more fun (photo booth anyone?)