Fashion News: Have No Fear, Designer iPhone 5 Cases are Out

Fashion News: Have No Fear, Designer iPhone 5 Cases are Out
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If you are like most fashionistas, one of your main concerns your main concern when news broke of the iPhone 5 release was the uncertain future of our designer case mini-wardrobe. What would happen to our collections, marked by season-appropriate designs by Kate Spade and J. Crew? Were they doomed to the abyss of a forgotten Apple generation? Thankfully our anxiety and irrational fashion needs are being addressed by the world of iPhone accessories. Kate Spade now has two designs available on Nordstrom’s website — “Leticular Eyes” and a must-have Christmas list addition “Crossword Puzzle“. J. Crew has additionally released five options for us – if your style is trendy sophistication, go with our leopard-printed favorite. If you’re more on the artsy chic side, check out the options from Society 6 – nearly all their modern yet fashionable cases are available for your latest model. Happy iPhone dressing — even more options are on the way!

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