Love Sick: Beards Burn

Love Sick: Beards Burn

Beard burn. The dreaded reddish peeling area around your mouth and chin that occurs after kissing a stubbly faced man and sometimes results in a seriously nasty break out. Ew!But what’s a girl to do if she prefers a man with a little bit of stubble or even a whole lot of sexy beard?You hipster chicks know what I’m talking about.In order to avoid this face version of the hickey but still get your make out sesh on with the guy at your local independent coffee shop, I offer a few suggestions.My prescription for beard burn:

  1. Pre-moisturize before hooking up. Lather on some really thick moisturizer before making out so your face isn’t as prone to irritation. I prefer Nivea Face Creme. It’s super thick and fragrance-free, so your face doesn’t smell like you were just rolling around in potpourri. Plus you can get it for a cheap price at almost any drugstore. It’s very compact, so it’s small enough to keep in your purse at all times.
  2. If you’re thinking, “Well how will I know if I’m going to be making out with a bearded man later? How do I prepare? My life is not that predictable!” Then I have another suggestion… post-moisturize! Crazy, right? Just take everything I said from the first suggestion but switch the timing. If you are a person that tends to break out though, I suggest getting a lotion with salicylic acid, which helps to treat and prevent pimples.
  3. For immediate relief of beard burn, rub a little bit of aloe on your face to help cool it down or grab a bag of frozen vegetables and hold it to your face for a few minutes. This should ease the burn and help fight redness.

In the meantime, I suggest that your bearded man friend jump on the moisturizing train as well. A well taken care of beard that is washed with conditioner or treated daily with lotion is a soft beard. A soft beard is a beard that is gentle on the faces of those it wants to get close to.So the important lesson of the day is: Moisturize! Oh, and even if you’re like me and can’t resist a man with a beard, please, please stay away from this: -The Love DoctorHave questions for The Love Doctor? Submit to!