Kingsley’s Corner: Shower Anyone?

So it occurred to me that I am the only one who licks my body clean. That’s when I started observing what Hil and Brit do to get clean. Every so often, they turn on this really loud water and then make it spray into this room with a curtain on it. It doesn’t look like any other room either. In both of our bathrooms, the room is white and has a hard, smooth surface. I stepped inside this room when it was dry to see what it was like. It was very cool and empty feeling. I walked toward this little round silver thing on the floor and there was still some water around it. I tasted it and it tasted different than the water I find in my dish or Hil and Brit’s cups. Then I meowed. My meow bounced off all the walls around me and then Brittany came running to find me sitting in here. She looked somewhat surprised to see me in here, but then she smiled and took my picture like always. Then she left the curtain open and let me be. After a while I got kind of bored, but it was really nice and relaxing in there. The next time Hil took a shower, I heard her turn on the water. I ran over to her bathroom to come watch. I sat there and looked around to see the steam taking over the room. Then Hilary actually stood underneath the water. I hate the way water feels on my fur. It just makes me so nervous. I turned to get out and the door was shut. I meowed and scratched the door. Hil got out of the shower to let me out. As soon as I got out of there, it was so cold! I tried to get back in but no one opened the door. I just can’t decide if I want to be in there with all that water or out here where it’s cold and where there’s no one here to pet me.