Kingsley’s Corner: I’m Just So Confused

Hey everyone, remember last week? I learned a few things. For instance, cat litter does not taste very good and my litter box seems to be changing in size and location quite frequently. I just wanted to give everyone a little update about the bathroom situation. At first, about every other day Brittany would make me jump up on the toilet and give me a treat. Then I would wait on the toilet for another one but there was no treat for that. Only when I jumped up there would I get a treat. Those treats are so tasty! Seafood Medley, crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, the bag says. I get so excited that sometimes I mistake Brit’s fingers for the actual treat. They are just so irresistible. So even though I learned to jump up on the toilet in order to get a treat, I just didn’t understand why it was good for me to go up there. There was cat litter in the toilet and there was cat litter in the box on the floor. There was catnip up on the toilet sometimes but that didn’t make me want to go up there any more than just going in the box on the floor. I would watch Brittany empty the litter box on the floor into the water in the toilet. I have never seen that before. I was curious to know why she wasn’t putting it in a bag like she usually does. That was weird to me. Sometimes Brittany would follow me into the bathroom and I know that she wanted me to go on the toilet but I just wanted to go in the box. So I would just turn around and look at her. Then I looked back at the toilet and the box, the toilet and the box. What’s a cat to do?