Funky Fixes: Butterfly in a Jar

People seem to have an inherent desire to be noticed by the animal they’re observing. We’ve all been there; you’re trying to get a fish’s attention and suddenly a parent or friend is yelling at you to stop tapping on the glass; now you’re left 

Funky Fixes: From Fiction to Reality

Funky Fixes: From Fiction to Reality

This week’s funky fix idea is inspired by fictional products that have become a reality: 1. Personal Easy Button: We’ve all seen the Staples’ Easy Button on TV commercials, but did you know you can actually buy one? Now when a situation seems too hard, 

Funky Fixes: Nifty Nail Care

When it comes to manicures, everyone tends to think about nail color. Yes, the perfect polish is key to a great mani or pedi, but the tools used to prep nails can be just as important. Here are four funky fixes for making nail care 

Funky Fixes: Shake It Up!

If you are going to add flavor to your food, you should at least do it in fun way. After discovering these adorable salt and pepper shakers (seriously, I almost can’t handle how cute they are), I began to think about other fun ways to 

Funky Fixes: Bottle Makeovers

When purchasing food and drink items, my indecisiveness tends to run rampant. My simple solution: choose the product that is most visually appealing. The great thing about this strategy is that once I’ve enjoyed the food or beverage, I’m left with a blank canvas- relatively 

Funky Fixes: Chill out with a Chill Pill

Has anyone ever told you to take a chill pill? Or, more importantly, have you ever wanted to tell a friend to calm down and take a chill pill? Now, thanks to the Chill Pill Ice Cube Tray by Fred & Friends, you actually can! 

Funky Fixes: Twilight Gloves

Funky Fixes: Twilight Gloves

Jacob, Bella and Edward, (thanks to the Twilight craze) are three names most Americans will recognize. Whether the person identifies them as their current celeb crush or as characters in a silly vampire book is another story. For all those fans out there who relate to 

Funky Fixes: Stress Relief

Funky Fixes: Stress Relief

Let’s face it; whether it’s midterms, a work project, or the pressures of everyday life, we’ve all been stressed. Stress can have both positive and negative effects on our lives. However, more often than not, the negative effects are the real causes for concern; stress 

Funky Fixes: Ninjabread Men

Looking for a way to kick up your meals? Check out these awesome Ninjabread Men Cookie Cutters. It shouldn’t take much to convince you that these cookie cutters belong in your kitchen. However, for all you skeptics, here are four reasons these are a fabulous find: Ninjas 

Funky Fixes: Stretch Rings

Funky Fixes: Stretch Rings

Did you know that your fingers can change sizes throughout the day? No, they won’t grow a few inches longer, but they may swell up. If you wear rings, you may have noticed this before. Sometimes your ring slides on easily, while other times it