Funky Fixes: Bandages for Grown-Ups

When you have a cut or scrape, one of the only perks is being able to put a cool band-aid on it. Kids have quite the selection of patterned band-aids to choose from, but what about grown-ups? The WTF Bandages from Urban Outfitters comically solve 

Funky Fixes: Perfumed Perfection

When it comes to applying perfume, I give myself a big fat fail. I always seem to either put too much on, which results in me having an awful headache, or I do the opposite and don’t put enough on. To try and remedy my 

Funky Fixes: Fanny Packs, a blast from the past

I was recently given a fanny pack as a present. At first, I wasn’t sure what to think about the gift. Are they being serious? Aren’t fanny packs totally from the 80’s? Does this have any fashion potential? After testing out my hott pink fanny 

Funky Fixes: Make a Wish

I almost always gravitate to things that are bright and colorful. So naturally, when I was perusing Urban Outfitter’s website, these Crystal Garden Wish Flowers caught my eye. By simply mixing water and the special solution, you can grow a crystal within two weeks! The 

Funky Fixes: Cool Down with a Popsicle

Growing up I loved eating popsicles… scratch that, I still love eating popsicles. Luckily, popsicles can be enjoyed at any age and are the perfect treat to help you cool down in the summer. For a fun twist on popsicles, try making these frozen treats 

Funky Fixes: Rompin’ Around Town

As summer quickly approaches, it’s time to update your wardrobe with easy light weight items. A fashion favorite that embodies summer is the romper. The romper is a one piece garment that has the personality of a dress and the comfort of shorts. The great 

Funky Fixes: Nail Art Made Easy

Someone recently asked me, “Why do women like to paint their nails?” I paused for a moment and then answered by saying nail polish is another way to express our personality and personal style. The Art of the Nail featured in the print issues of 

Funky Fixes: Soothing a Sunburn

After spending a few too many hours in the sun with not enough sunscreen, I have learned a trick or two for treating sunburns. Of course, the best way to treat sunburn is to prevent it from happening in the first place… this means wearing 

Funky Fixes: Wake-Up Call

Funky Fixes: Wake-Up Call

The sound of an alarm clock may possibly be one of the most obnoxious sounds ever. And yet, there are days when, no matter how annoying the blaring beep-beep-beep is, I can’t seem to get out of bed. Nanda Home has created the perfect solution 

Funky Fixes: Hair Care

Healthy hair is the perfect accessory to any outfit. Here are three tips for keeping your hair fabulous: 1. Protect your hair: as much as we love our straighteners, the heat from these tools can severely damage hair. To protect your tresses, be sure to