Tag: paint

From the Editor: Style Your Life

Style doesn’t always apply to your clothes. Good use of style can be seen in other aspects of life, such as food, beauty and even your home. Fantastic design can do wonders for your mood and improve your quality of life. This is why I 

Design DIY: DIY Valentines Day Ombre Cards

Valentine’s Day can be a day filled with stale chocolates, surprise flowers that are actually intended for your roommate, annoying balloons and creepy stuffed animals. At Carbon Magazine, we’d like to supply you with an idea that is good for all of our beloved fans 

Design DIY: Glittered Keys

Everyday items can always use some sparkle. In my case, it was my janitor ring of keys. I don’t have any special keychains, and my keys are strung to a plain lanyard, so it was time for some sprucing up to my mundane set of 

Design DIY: Decorative Wall Art

The holidays always inspire me to try my hand at crafts and this year is no different; putting glitter on everything, changing my toilet paper to festive holiday paper, and baking cookies every hour on the hour – I essentially turn into one of Santa’s 

Funky Fixes: Decorative Pumpkins

Fall is officially here and with that comes pumpkins! Lots and lots of pumpkins: pumpkin desserts, pumpkin lotions and pumpkin decorations. However, as festive as I am, I’ll be the first to admit that carving pumpkins is not something I look forward to; my designs