Love Sick: It’s Time to Fall in Love

Autumn is here! That means school is starting, the weather is cooling down and the trees are turning rustic shades of orange and yellow. At least that’s what I hear is happening. Living in AZ just means that Pumpkin Spice Lattes are now available at Starbucks.

Fall is a wonderful time of year to fall in love (get it?), so I’ve come up with a few fun date ideas to try before it gets to cold to leave the house.

1) Carving pumpkins- I am assuming a lot of you will have to talk your boyfriend into doing this with you, because it seems to be something girls enjoy more. However, if you turn the pumpkin carving into a competition (i.e. Who can carve the fastest, make the scariest, make the goofiest), your guy will be a lot more willing to partake. Guys love competition. Plus, going and picking out the pumpkin from a pumpkin patch is a fun way to spend the day outdoors in the lovely weather. Make sure to save all the pumpkin seeds so you can bake them with a little salt for a delicious snack to send your hunny home with.

2) Matching Halloween costumes- Just because you’re not trick-or-treating anymore, doesn’t mean you can’t have fun dressing up and going out on the town Oct. 31. Put you and your boyfriend’s brains together and come up with a funny, creative matching costume idea that you can wear. It will be fun to scavenge Goodwill’s to try and find the craziest stuff you can use to put your costume together and if it’s good enough, you could even win some prizes for Best Couple Costume. Some fun costumes ideas: Betty and Don Draper, a basketball and a hoop, Russell Brand and Katy Perry, a washer and dryer, etc.

3)  Go to your local Oktoberfest- Guys love beer and ladies love beer, so what’s not to love about a festival that celebrates beer? Oktoberfest is usually a weekend-long event, giving you and your man plenty of time to wander around sampling beers from around the world as well as getting a chance to listen to great music and eat delicious German food. Check out your town’s event calendar to find out where to find one near you.

4) Go to a football game together- I hate football but I seem to be in the extreme minority with my feelings for it. I typically go to sporting events for the food, so you’d find me wherever the hot dogs are. However, I’m sure most couples out there would have a fantastic time getting to cheer their favorite team on together. Cheering on the same team together is a great way to bond or cheering against each other’s teams is a great way to have a fun rivalry for the evening. Plus like I mentioned earlier, there’s hot dogs.

So get your little romantic tushes out there and enjoy the weather before you’re having to shovel snow just to get to the sidewalk!*

*Once again, I have no idea what I’m talking about with the desert living and all…

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