The Beauty Box: Eye Rock Designer Liner

This month’s Birchbox delivered something that made me feel as though the company sends out secret agents to track your personal beauty arsenal. For the past year, I’ve been a huge fan of the cat-eye eyeliner look (as seen in my recent post), and this month’s box delivered stick-on eyeliner that promised to perfect the cat-eye look.

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The Eye Rock Designer Liner is like a sticker for your eye that is supposed to guarantee a smudge-proof, shaky hand-proof, line of eyeliner. The liner adhesives are designed to be applied to lid of your eye and stick throughout the day. They come in several different styles and promise make applying eyeliner a faster, easier process.

I did not experience this. First of all the liner is a lot bigger than it appears to be on the model, so I had to cut it down to make it fit my face, and even then it looked like a bit too much. Secondly, it did not stick worth beans. I am not someone who has greasy eyelids and it wouldn’t even hold for a full 30 seconds. Thirdly, even if the liner did hold, it was super heavy feeling and seemed much more intrusive than eyeliner should ever be. They were incredibly easy to get off though, because they fell off my eyes all on their own.

Though it seems like a fun, cool product, I do not recommend these to anyone. You’re better off spending your $13.00 on a year’s supply of Wet ‘N’ Wild Megaliner.