Author: Rachel Knebelsberger

Conscious Fashion: A Scent of Scandal

While trying to save the planet one outfit at a time, it is easy to get lost in the whirl-wind of product specifics: Where was an item made? How was it shipped? Who is profiting from the sale? Were any animals harmed? The list can 

Conscious Fashion: Glitter, Sweat & Blood

Made famous by Marilyn Monroe, it’s often said that diamonds are a girl’s best friend. It’s true, they sparkle, shine, and look lovely on our fingers, but there’s more to these friends of ours than meets the eye. Behind their glittery appearance, there is often 

Conscious Fashion: Food for the Face

Alright, so you’ve found a new product, and it’s claiming to be organic- yay! But not so fast, not all organic products are made equal. As a conscious Fashionista, it’s sometimes up to us to do a little investigating. Luckily, brands such as RMS beauty exist. RMS has taken the guess 

Conscious Fashion: What’s Poppin’

Have you ever seen people collecting pop tabs? Were you then struck by the question: What can someone possibly do with a million pop tabs? Escama Studio has devised an ingenious solution for this question. It turns out that with a million pop tabs (okay 

Conscious Fashion: Fashion Resolution (Part II)

Well, it’s week two of the New Year and hopefully your resolutions are still going strong. If you have yet to make any resolutions or are still looking for ways to change things up for 2012, this fashion resolution is for you: Shop Locally.  There 

Conscious Fashion: Fashion Resolutions

 You’ve heard us say it before: being a conscious fashionista is about re-using and recycling. The start of a new year is the perfect time to take a look at your fashion habits. When you buy new clothes, do you have to cram them into 

Funky Fixes: The Greatest Gift

Christmas is almost here, but it’s not too late to spread holiday cheer. Over the holidays, it’s easy to become caught up in shopping, making lists, and attending parties. These are all wonderful things, but when we focus on them we tend to lose out 

Funky Fixes: Keep Your Boots in Shape

While recently cleaning out my overflowing dresser, I noticed that I had multiple pairs of tights that I could no longer wear. They either had runs or holes in them or were too stretched out. Although they could no longer serve their original purpose, throwing 

Funky Fixes: Decorate in Style

With Thanksgiving come and gone, it’s time to get into the Christmas spirit. The radio is already playing Christmas songs and holiday sweets are starting to make an appearance. One thing I am looking forward to most this season is decorating my Christmas tree (mmm 

Funky Fixes: DIY Wall Art

Decorating my new apartment has been on my to-do list since, well, moving in. Decorations add a personal touch to any space and can instantly make a new place feel like home. Even though I truly believe this, it has been over two months and