Conscious Fashion: Nifty Thrifty

Conscious Fashion is not just about organic cotton and recycled shoes.  It’s about style meeting responsibility, for the environment.  One awesome, cheap and fun way to achieve this is by thrifting.  But thrifting isn’t easy.  It can go very badly, very quickly.  Some are just born with an eye for fashion.  But for those of us who aren’t, I’ve created some ground rules to get you started.  Raid your piggy banks guys and gals, ‘cause we’re going thrifting!

Rule #1: When you’ve bought something from a thrift store, people should notice- not in a bad way.

The point of thrifting is not to blend in.  If you tend toward non-contrasting colors or boring pieces, your thrift find will just look like an unfortunate hand-me-down.  Instead make your thrift-find pop with bright colors and patterns and people will notice- in a good way.  I got these bright yellow flats for $3 and this red polka-dot tunic top for $4.

Rule #2: Dressing in all thrift pieces and looking good is pretty much impossible.

Incorporate things you already have in your wardrobe that contrast a thrift piece, like a tee-ball tee.  Use contemporary and edgy pieces, like jewelry, sunglasses, and jean shorts to give a vintage tee new life and new attitude.  Try a colored oclock watch with your tee-ball tee.

Rule #3: Shoes from a thrift store are never ‘in fashion’.

Your goal is to set a trend because no one has seen those shoes since 1986.  Don’t look for shoes that are everywhere now.  Instead, look for shoes that everyone is going to want now that you’ve brought them back!



Rule #4:  Trust your nose.

Thrifting will only work if you are confident in your style and if you know what works on your body type.  Also, don’t buy things if they smell reeeaaalllly bad.  Happy thrifting!

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