Conscious Fashion: Taxidermy Busted

An Animal-Friendly Hunting Lodge

Growing up, I had a friend whose parents decorated their walls with animal trophies.  Yup.  Bambi’s head above the fireplace.  I got used to it after spending a lot of time over there, and when I see animal heads, they actually bring back a lot of good memories of hanging out in that house.  However,as a Conscious Fashion columnist, my offical party line is that this is gross.  Hunting is not something I will ever partake in.  But I have to say, I’m partial to that cozy, winter cabin-esque décor.  Well, I am happy to say that these two sides of me can finally be reconciled!


Behold the Cardboard Safari line on!  These affectionately-named cardboard trophy animals made from recycled cardboard are $40-$50 each.  Now us animal lovers can finally show our wild side!  (You know you laughed at that super-lame pun.)

Meet Robbie, the rhino; Buck the deer; and Tex the bison!