Kingsley’s Corner: Patio Adventures

For those of you who keep up with Kingsley’s Corner, last week I told you guys about my first steps into the outdoors. Well, before I tell you anymore stories about my adventures outside, I should tell you about how much I like to escape out on the patio. For the cats reading whom are curious about the outside world, I’m about to tell you the pros and cons of lounging out on the patio.

Every once in a while, Hil or Brit go out onto the patio to go in the shed, open the door cool down the house or whatever. My interest in the patio started long before I became interested in the front yard. One day, I snuck out onto the patio while Hil was getting a tool out of the shed. It was so nice and shady on the cool tile. I really like rolling around under and around the table. When I’m feeling really adventurous, I’ll even go dig in the dirt that follows the wall. I love to clench my paws in the cool, moist, ground. There are even plants out there! What cat doesn’t enjoy wiping his face across the end of a nice stem? Even just taking nice little sniffs of all the plants is fun too. Then while I was having so much fun, I realized that Hilary was no longer outside and the sliding-door was shut. I looked inside and the lights were on still so I thought someone might be home. I still couldn’t help but wonder if anyone even knew I went out there. I kind of scratched on the glass door and let out a loud, “meow!” Nothing happened. I tried again but still, nothing. I know no one would forget about me; I stayed calm and just laid back down on the nice cool tile. I really enjoyed the extra time I got to spend out there, but it started to get dark. Finally, I saw Hilary! She was in the kitchen. I scratched on the door and again, and meowed once more. She saw me! She looked so surprised to see me outside and ran over to open the door. I learned that maybe I should make sure someone sees me when I follow them outside. I just get so fascinated though and I know someone will let me back in eventually.