Author: Niki Norris

Conscious Fashion: The Infinite Flip Flop

The other day, I was walking across a pool deck and my flip flop strap snapped and broke.  I was miffed.  This was a huge bummer because they weren’t even old and I didn’t have any other shoes with me.  But more irritating, I couldn’t 

Conscious Fashion: Code Red

Anyone who knows me knows that I get tunnel vision when it comes to fashion.  Every now and then, I’ll swoon over a particular piece, designer, collection, or accessory until I either crack and buy it myself, or someone else gets sick of hearing me 

Conscious Fashion: Conscious Closet & 30 for 30 by Kendi

This Conscious Closet special was inspired by a quirky blogger named Kendi.  A friend turned me onto her style blog and I’m quickly falling for her.  She has a realistic personality but she also has big dreams and she has a great sense of humor.  

Conscious Fashion: Leather for Cow-Lovers

This month, Free People debuted a line of vegan leather! The line includes shorts, a skirt, pants, and an adorable jacket. Vegan leather is not made from any animal products; it is a synthetic fabric, so yay for happy cows! I still don’t know if I’m brave 

Conscious Fashion: Design DIY

This Conscious Fashion column is not just for your closet.  As we learned from our friends, the Cotton Monsters, conscious fashion ideas are everywhere.  Recently, I visited a friend of mine, who lives with a few roomates.  Between them, they have come up with some 

Conscious Fashion: Summer’s Here!

Summer can be a hard time for the conscious Fashionista. Swimsuits are typically made from synthetic materials (spandex, lycra, etc.) and when they’re made of anything else, they just look and feel downright weird.  Picking out a swimsuit can already be scary territory, but throwing 

Conscious Fashion: Monsters Under the Bed? Yes, Please!

But not just any monster!  The monster under my bed better be a Cotton Monster!  Cotton Monsters have been on my radar for a while now.  The artist’s imagination is seemingly endless, as every Cotton Monster is different- an individual.  They are all made from 

Conscious Fashion: Thrift in Your Closet: Mission Impossible?

Part of Conscious Fashion is recycling and re-using clothes.  That can mean re-using someone else’s clothes (thrift stores or hand-me downs) or it can mean re-using your own clothes.  Why take a trip to the thrift store when your new summer look is probably already in your 

Conscious Fashion: Extreme Eco

One of my newest obsessions is, a high fashion blog dedicated to sustainable, recycled, conscious and eco fashion.  This week’s Conscious Fashion is dedicated to some of the most extreme and inspiring examples of eco fashion on the blog. This handbag is powered by 

Conscious Fashion:Recycled Fashion, Endless Possibilities

When I think of recycled fashion, I think of incorporating thrift pieces into outfits to give them a new life.  But there are other ways to interpret this phrase. Designer Gary Harvey’s line debuted at The GreenShows, which is part of New York’s fashion week,