Month: August 2012

The Studded Truth About Spikes

The Studded Truth About Spikes

Spikes and studs are no longer just for punks, rock stars, or leather-wearing bikers. This summer coming into autumn, we can all appreciate a little added edge to our typical summer attire.  The great thing about seeing the trend reappear this year is that it 

Beauty Box: L’Occitane Hand Creams

Hands are one of the first parts of your body that start to show the signs of aging. No matter how much Botox you have in your forehead, your wrinkled and age spotted hands will always give away your true age. This is why it’s important 

Designer Spotlight: Cocos Heaven

Swim suits  are traded in for school spirited tees, The lake house becomes the dorm room & The beach bag becomes the campus carry-all. Break out the books, stylish students. School is back in session.   Personally, the sun bathing to studying transition is incredibly 

Conscious Fashion: Styles of Hope

Everyone has a story and, in the case of Sseko Designs, so does every shoe. Handcrafted by women in Uganda, the stories behind these shoes are ones of hope. In a country impoverished by war and dominated by men, studying at a university seems out 

Fashion News: Minnie Mouse to Show at London Fashion Week

Disney Icon, Minnie Mouse, is set to appear on the runway at London Fashion Week this fall. Many designers such as Richard Nicoll, Katie Hillier, Giles Deacon, Michael van der Ham, and Lulu Guinness are going to create one-off pieces inspired by the Disney character’s 

Conscious Fashion: Bike Rides

Hallo from Amsterdam! I’m currently travelling around Europe to finish off the summer and our first stop is Amsterdam. Despite its reputation for a hedonistic, indulgent lifestyle, the city is nothing like you would imagine. Laid back, friendly and super-stylish; everything here is calm and 

From the Editor: Denim Blues

It’s true, even as the Carbon founder, I can’t stop working on new projects. In fact, my latest project happens to be a super rad Etsy shop called Chevron Denim. The shop features up-cycled denim cutoffs mostly in the Levi variety, though there currently is one pair of 

Beauty Box: Review On Film

Hey Carbonites! So I decided to step outside the (Beauty) box this week and instead of writing up my review I made a video! I hope you all like it:

Conscious Fashion: Fresh Looks

Groceries? Wait, I thought I was shopping for clothing. Luckily my eyesight isn’t going, and I haven’t completely lost it. The online eco-boutique I was perusing (that’s Future Standard, if you’re wondering) did list Groceries as one of the featured brands. Intrigued by this, I 

Beauty Box: Making A Statement

Without a doubt it has been proven in the fashion industry that makeup can really make a statement. Adding pops of color to eyes, cheeks, or lips to make an outfit complete. Makeup is not only thing making a statement lately! Nail polish is also