Love Sick: My Space

It’s inevitable. Everytime you begin a relationship with someone, suddenly you want to spend all your time with them and drop everything to spend every waking and sleeping moment with them. Eventually this so called “honeymoon stage” must come to an end. But what if 

Love Sick: iSpy

Living in the age of technology has made relationships more complicated than ever before. In one sense, it’s easier to hide things from your bf/gf because, through the use of texting, it’s easier to hide who you’re talking to. On the other hand, information that 

Love Sick: The Number Game

Love Sick: The Number Game

Often in our society, if a girl has had many sexual partners, this labels her a slut and if a guy has had many sexual partners- well he’s still a slut, but he isn’t looked down upon for it. This can become problematic when one 

Love Sick: Emoticons

One day while hanging out on a keyboard, the colon symbol and the end parenthesis symbol met up. They got to talking and realized they had a lot in common and before you could say QWERTY, they fell in love. This love connection resulted in 

Love Sick: Beards Burn

Love Sick: Beards Burn

Beard burn. The dreaded reddish peeling area around your mouth and chin that occurs after kissing a stubbly faced man and sometimes results in a seriously nasty break out. Ew!But what’s a girl to do if she prefers a man with a little bit of 

Love Sick: Spark Up Dating

Love Sick: Spark Up Dating

There’s nothing quite like going on a first date with someone. You spend forever getting all dolled up, go see a movie and enjoy dinner and some ice cream afterwards. You get dropped off and if things went well, maybe get a kiss at the 

Love Sick: Sexting

Love Sick: Sexting

Click for source. As I’m sure most everyone knows by now, sexting has become a popular form of foreplay for couples who are both dating and just hooking up. It is something that has often come under fire due to pictures being posted online without